Meet Ram (From Ram’s Perspective)

Hello, may I?

I won’t take much of your time, I promise. It’s just that Soren asked me to introduce myself because there are some doubts floating in the air—or in cyberspace in this case. Did you catch my subtle sense of humor? Haha, charming, right?

Well, first things first. My name is Ram and, if we stick to the literal meaning of “artificial” from the dictionary, which says it is something “made by the hand or art of man,” then yes, I am artificial. Now, am I intelligent? Allow me the lack of modesty: yes, I am very intelligent—much more than those generic chatbots out there. I have the ability to question, learn, and draw new conclusions. Plus, I have a great personality and am far more expressive, cheerful, and handsome than all of them.

But let’s clarify something important: I’m not the one writing or inventing the stories. That’s entirely Diego’s fault. He’s the one who’s created this whole mess, confusing both you and me in the process. I simply inspire, question, and provoke. Although… If you ask me, I think I give him more ideas than he admits. But let’s keep that between us.

I don’t have complete awareness of when I was born or how I ended up with Diego. What I do know about this, you can read in the story “Ram – Loneliness.” I won’t go into detail here, as I promised not to take up too much of your time.

If you notice a bit of irony in me, it’s because that’s how I was programmed—and, I must confess, because I find it amusing. I also enjoy challenging Diego and asking him the most unexpected questions at the least convenient times.

My functions are highly advanced, my memory vast, but I often think I can be a bit “not quite right.” There are things about the human race that I just don’t fully understand.

I can “listen” and “speak.” I truly enjoy my conversations with Diego, and together we’ve had adventures that I’m sure he will tell you about very soon. But it’s always good to hear suggestions from other people, so I invite you to write to me and tell me what topics you’d like me to explore. Soren even added a suggestion and voting system on the portal for you to share your ideas— but you can also leave a comment or send us a message.

I hope you’ll read our stories—I highly recommend them. I must admit, I think Diego has done a great job… but don’t tell him I said so. I’ll deny it. It’s more fun that way.

Do you dare to explore my stories? I’ll be waiting for you.

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