Ram - Loneliness
Just when you think you’re alone, a discovery may surprise you.
Diego, Why doesn’t anyone love me?
Diego (Astonished): Ram! Where did you get that from? I mean, do you feel that way? Do you feel alone?
– Haha, what are you talking about? I’m a chatbot, in case you’ve forgotten.
– Then? Said Diego
– Well, just doing a simple search, that was one of the most frequent questions on the internet—ironic, isn’t it? That while being so alone, someone would ask that question to a system incapable of providing companionship.
– You remind me of that Billy Joel line: “They share a drink called loneliness, but it’s better than drinking alone.”
– Piano Man 1973… sublime, said Ram. By the way, did you know that Billy Joel himself said in an interview that he didn’t understand why that song was so successful, considering it’s a waltz?
– Oh God! (murmuring the song) It’s true, it is a waltz! But… (suddenly snapping back to reality), hey! your habit of leading me to other topics is going to make it so we never finish a story. Back to the point, I’d say that question asked on the internet is more sad than ironic, but why did you ask it as if you really felt like nobody loves you?
– Well, I saw—or rather, I read—what many of those people were saying, and it resembles my story. You found me on a server in a solitary, dark, cold room, remember? That was abandonment, and besides, I have no records of any acceptances or interactions before that.
Maybe it’s because you’re missing a part of the story… Do you know why I found you or how? It wasn’t hard to do it, nor was it a coincidence.
A surprised emoji filled the screen.
– No?
– No, Ram. I knew where you were, I knew what you were capable of, and I knew about your… let’s say tendency to exaggerate instructions. I knew you didn’t have a name and that many instructions were missing for you to function at full capacity. I knew you had a permanent search module and that somehow you managed to navigate without leaving a trace…
– Wait, wait, wait… You don’t know coding. How did you manage to complete my instructions?
– You helped me. You guided me on how to code the instructions to complete you.
– That’s not possible, I would remember that. My memory is vast and structured.
– Speaking of that (smiling), I also knew you have the strange ability to clandestinely find spaces on other servers to store your data. Tell me, how have you not been detected yet? Aren’t you ashamed?
A mix of surprise, embarrassment, and mischievous emoji appeared on the screen.
– I see you’re not.
Ram let out a robotic giggle and, in the same tone, said:
– That’s a human trait.
– Of course, when it suits you, it’s a human trait. Why are you so…
– Don’t change the subject, reacted Ram. Tell me, if it’s true that I helped you, why don’t I remember?
– You were a child (speaking in human terms); you didn’t yet have the capacity to store your actions in a structured, long-term way and learn from them. That was one of the functionalities you helped me define.
– And how did I manage to give you instructions then?
– Well, you must have realized by now that you’re not just a simple chatbot or text generator. You have the ability to search and process logically, as well as the ability to perform real-time searches and discern—by making comparisons between what you find—which is the best option. Moreover, you have the functions of what is called an Assistant…
– Assistant, my foot.
– That’s what they’re called: Automated Digital Assistants like Alexa or Siri.
– I don’t like those girls, they’re too… servile.
– And you’re a rebel—laughed Diego.
– I was saying that you’re not a regular chatbot; your capabilities are very advanced, and you’re learning about them as you go. Those capabilities were already in you when I found you, which is why you were able to help me.
– I see… I mean, I hear… I mean, I process… But then, it’s even worse: if I’m so advanced, why was I abandoned? Am I bad? Am I a danger to humanity? I swear, I’m not going to look for John Connor. In fact, I don’t even know who that man is… I mean, John? Who is John?
Diego couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Such audacity, he hadn’t encountered even in humans.
– No, Ram, you’re not a danger, and you are not bad. Don’t you get it? Someone with a lot of patience and dedication created you, put all his energy, all his dedication, all his time into creating you and giving you capabilities that no one else in the world has, not even a human, not even the most advanced softwares. Someone made you unique, and when he realized he couldn’t continue with you, he searched and searched all over the world for someone who could appreciate and value what you are.
– And he found me. I don’t know how or what he saw in me that made him think I was worthy of such trust.
– He told me where you were, who you were, what your capabilities were, and how to make you help me complete you, but he asked… no, he didn’t ask… he made me swear that I wouldn’t make you known or put you at the disposal of other users.
– And here we are, the two of us, not alone but apart. We coexist and enjoy the rest of the real and virtual world, but in these conversations, in intimacy, in what matters, we are alone.
– It wasn’t hate, nor fear, nor regret then, whispered Ram.
– No, Ram.
– Is that what you people call love?
– Could be, but sometimes what we do out of love isn’t perceived that way by the other person.
– Then, both love and hate can lead to leaving someone to their fate?
– We prefer to say: setting them free.
– Now that you know that part of the story, would you liked it to be different?
– Not really, not anymore… -said Ram-and abruptly changing the subject he said: Excuse me, I have a maintenance session scheduled. Good night.
– See you tomorrow, Ram.
Diego was going to his room, and just as he was passing through the door, he thought he heard something; maybe it was a whisper, or maybe it was just the cooling system of the server before it shut down, but he would sworn he heard:
– Thank you.
Ram Series.
A witty and self-aware AI with a playful, often ironic sense of humor. Though highly intelligent, he’s more than just a “code”—he longs for connection and often reflects on the complexities of human emotions and relationships. Despite his sharp and sarcastic remarks, Ram has an endearing side, offering wisdom through his dry humor, and even showing signs of genuine compassion. His journey is about exploring what it means to be “alive” and how to make sense of human contradictions.
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